PC 1
Chinese Name: Tianchi天池
English Name
Location: In the fourth intercostal space, 1 cun lateral to the nipple and 5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Indications: Suffocating sensation in the chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, swelling and pain of the axillary regIon.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture obliquely 0.2-0.4 inch. Deep puncture is not advisable.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The thoracoepigastric vein, the branches of the lateral thoracic artery and vein.
Innervation: The muscular branch of the anterior thoracic nerve, the fourth intercostal nerve
PC 2
Chinese Name: Tianquan天泉
English Name
Location: 2 cun below the level of the anterior axillary fold, between the two heads of m. biceps brachii.
Indications: Cardiac pain, distension of the hypochondriac region, cough, pain in the chest, back and the medial aspect of the arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.7 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The muscular branches of the brachial artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial brachial cutaneous nerve and the musculocutaneous nerve.
PC 3 (He-Sea Point)
Chinese Name: Quze
English Name
Location: On the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, febrile diseases, irritability, stomachache, vomiting, pain in the elbow and arm, tremor of the hand and arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.7 inch, or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: On the pathway of the brachial artery and vein.
Innervation: The median nerve.
PC 4 (Xi-Cleft Point)
Chinese Name: Ximen
English Name
Location: 5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, on the line connecting Quze (PC 3) and Daling (PC 7), between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, epistaxis, hematemesis, haemoptysis chest pain, furuncle, epilepsy.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The median artery and vein; deeper, the anterior interosseous artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve; deeper, the median nerve; deepest, the anterior interosseous nerve.
PC 5 (Jing-River Point)
Chinese Name: Jianshi
English Name
Location: 3 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis. (See Fig. 93)
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, mental disorders, epilepsy, swelling of the axilla, contracture of the elbow and arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The median artery and vein; deeper, the anterior interosseous artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves, the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve; deeper, the anterior interosseous nerve.
PC 6 (Luo-Connecting Point, the Eight Confluent Point)
Chinese Name: Neiguan
English Name
Location: 2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor radialis.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, mental disorders epilepsy, insomnia, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, contracture and pain of the elbow and arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.8 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy: See Jianshi (PC 5).
PC 7 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Primary Point)
Chinese Name: Dating
English Name
Location: In the middle of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, mental disorders, epilepsy, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, convulsion, insomnia, irritability, foul breath.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The palmar arterial and venous network of the wrist.
Innervation: Deeper, the median nerve.
PC 8 (Ying-Spring Point)
Chinese Name: Laogong
English Name
Location: At the center of the palm, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones, but close to the latter, and in the part touching the tip of the middle finger when a fist is made.
Indications: Cardiac pain, mental disorder, epilepsy, gastritis, foul breath, fungus infection of the hand and foot, vomiting, nausea.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The Common palmar digital artery.
Innervation: The second common palmar digital nerve of the median nerve.
PC 9 (Jing-Well Point)
Chinese Name: Zhongchong
English Name
Location: In the centre of the tip of the middle finger. (See Fig. 94)
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, loss of consciousness, aphasia with stiffness and swelling of the tongue, febrile diseases, heat stroke, convulsion, feverish sensation in the palm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture superficially 0.1 inch or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The arterial and venous network formed by the palmar digital proprial artery and vein.
Innervation: The palmar digital proprial nerve of the median nerve.
Chinese Name: Tianchi天池
English Name
Location: In the fourth intercostal space, 1 cun lateral to the nipple and 5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Indications: Suffocating sensation in the chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, swelling and pain of the axillary regIon.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture obliquely 0.2-0.4 inch. Deep puncture is not advisable.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The thoracoepigastric vein, the branches of the lateral thoracic artery and vein.
Innervation: The muscular branch of the anterior thoracic nerve, the fourth intercostal nerve
PC 2
Chinese Name: Tianquan天泉
English Name
Location: 2 cun below the level of the anterior axillary fold, between the two heads of m. biceps brachii.
Indications: Cardiac pain, distension of the hypochondriac region, cough, pain in the chest, back and the medial aspect of the arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.7 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The muscular branches of the brachial artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial brachial cutaneous nerve and the musculocutaneous nerve.
PC 3 (He-Sea Point)
Chinese Name: Quze
English Name
Location: On the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar side of the tendon of m. biceps brachii.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, febrile diseases, irritability, stomachache, vomiting, pain in the elbow and arm, tremor of the hand and arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.7 inch, or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: On the pathway of the brachial artery and vein.
Innervation: The median nerve.
PC 4 (Xi-Cleft Point)
Chinese Name: Ximen
English Name
Location: 5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, on the line connecting Quze (PC 3) and Daling (PC 7), between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, epistaxis, hematemesis, haemoptysis chest pain, furuncle, epilepsy.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The median artery and vein; deeper, the anterior interosseous artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve; deeper, the median nerve; deepest, the anterior interosseous nerve.
PC 5 (Jing-River Point)
Chinese Name: Jianshi
English Name
Location: 3 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis. (See Fig. 93)
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, mental disorders, epilepsy, swelling of the axilla, contracture of the elbow and arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The median artery and vein; deeper, the anterior interosseous artery and vein.
Innervation: The medial and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves, the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve; deeper, the anterior interosseous nerve.
PC 6 (Luo-Connecting Point, the Eight Confluent Point)
Chinese Name: Neiguan
English Name
Location: 2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor radialis.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, hiccup, mental disorders epilepsy, insomnia, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, contracture and pain of the elbow and arm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-0.8 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy: See Jianshi (PC 5).
PC 7 (Shu-Stream and Yuan-Primary Point)
Chinese Name: Dating
English Name
Location: In the middle of the transverse crease of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis.
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, mental disorders, epilepsy, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondriac region, convulsion, insomnia, irritability, foul breath.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The palmar arterial and venous network of the wrist.
Innervation: Deeper, the median nerve.
PC 8 (Ying-Spring Point)
Chinese Name: Laogong
English Name
Location: At the center of the palm, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones, but close to the latter, and in the part touching the tip of the middle finger when a fist is made.
Indications: Cardiac pain, mental disorder, epilepsy, gastritis, foul breath, fungus infection of the hand and foot, vomiting, nausea.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The Common palmar digital artery.
Innervation: The second common palmar digital nerve of the median nerve.
PC 9 (Jing-Well Point)
Chinese Name: Zhongchong
English Name
Location: In the centre of the tip of the middle finger. (See Fig. 94)
Indications: Cardiac pain, palpitation, loss of consciousness, aphasia with stiffness and swelling of the tongue, febrile diseases, heat stroke, convulsion, feverish sensation in the palm.
Acupuncture Method: Puncture superficially 0.1 inch or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The arterial and venous network formed by the palmar digital proprial artery and vein.
Innervation: The palmar digital proprial nerve of the median nerve.