Chapter 9 开窍剂 Formulae openning orifices
第一节 凉开Formulae open
1. 安宫牛黄丸 An Gong Niu Huang Wan
Niu Huang (Calculus Bovis) - 30g. -clearing heat from heart and liver, relieves toxicity, resolve phlegm
Xi Jiao (Comu Rhinoceri) - 30g. -clearing fire from heart, liver and stomach, calms spirit
She Xiang (Secretio Moschus) - 7.5g. -opens up orifices, revives spirit
Huang Lian (Rhizoma, Coptidis) - 30g. -clear heat, bring heat downward
Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis) - 30g. -clear heat, bring heat downward
Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis) - 30g. -clear heat, bring heat downward
Xiong Huang (Realgar) - 30g. -clears phlegm, relieves toxicity
Bing Pian (Borneol) - 7.5g. -unblock orifices, clears heat
Yu Jin (Tuber Curcumae) - 30g. -unblock orifices, clears heat
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris) - 30g. -sedate heart, calm spirit, clear heat from liver and heart
Zhen Zhu (Magarita) - 15g.
Take 3 grams, 2 -3 times per day.
Actions: clear heat and relieve toxicity, resolve phlegm, open the orifices and calm the spirit.
Indications: high fever, irritability, restlessness, delirious speech, disorientation, high fever, irritability, impaired consciousness, wind stroke coma, convulsions, frigid extremities. Red tongue and rapid pulse.
2. 紫雪丹 Zi Xue Dan
Shi Gao (Gypsum, Gypsum) - 1500g. -clearing fire from Qi level, eliminates irritability, alleviates thirst
Han Shui Shi (Calcitum) - 1500g. -clears heat and fire, eliminate irritability, alleviate thirst
Hua Shi (Talcum, Talcum) -1500g. -promotes downward movement of heat, drains heat through urine
Xi Jiao (Cornu Rhinoceri, Rhinoceros Horn) - 150g. -clears heat from the ying and xue level, clears heart and liver fire
Ling Yang Jiao (Cornu Antelopis) - 150g. -drains liver fire, clears wind
She Xiang (Secretio Moschus, Naval Secretions of Musk Deer, Musk) - 37.5g. -opens heart orifices, restores consciousness
Xuan Shen (Radix Scrophulariae, Ningpo Figwort Root, Scrophularia) - 500g. -moves fire downwards, nourish yin, alleviates irritability
Ci Shi (Magnetitum, Magnetite) - 1500g. -sedate heart, cools heat
Sheng Ma (Rhizoma Cimicifugae, Bugbane Rhizome, Cimicifuga) - 500g. -clears heat, relieves toxicity
Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Honey Fried Licorice Root) - 240g. -relieves toxicity of other herbs within formula
Qing Mu Xiang (Radix Aristolochiae Qingmuxiang) - 150g. -promotes Qi circulation
Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae, Aloeswood, Aquilaria) - 150g. -promotes Qi circulation
Ding Xiang (Flos Caryophylli, Clove Flower Bud) - 30g. -promotes Qi circulation
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar) - 90g. -calms spirit, cools heat
Mang Xiao (Mirabilitum, Mirabilite, Glauber’s Salt) - 5000g. -drains heat, eliminates clumping
Xiao Shi (Niter) - 96g. -drains heat, eliminates clumping
Huang Jin (Gold) - 3000g. -sedates spirit
Each time take 1.5-3 grams, 2 times daily.
Actions: Clear heat and open orifice, distinguish wind and stop tremor
Indications: High fever, irritability, disorientation, delirious speech, impaired consciousness, convulsion, constipation, red tongue, dry and yellow coating, rapid and strong pulse.
3. 至宝丹 Zhi Bao Dan
Greatest Treasure Special Pill
Xi Jiao (Cornu Rhinoceri, Rhinoceros Horn) - 30g. -clears ying level heat, cools blood(Today Shui Niu Jiao is used in place of Xi Jiao).
Niu Huang (Calculus Bovis, Cattle Gallstone, Bezoar) - 15g. -clears heat, relieves toxicity, clears phlegm, opens up orifices
Dai Mao (Carapax Eretmochelydis Imbricatae) - 30g. -sedates heart, calms liver, clears heat and toxicity, stops spasms and convulsions
Bing Pian (Borneol) - 0.3g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices
She Xiang (Secreti9o Moschus, Naval Secretions of Musk Deer, Musk) - 0.3g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices
An Xi Xiang (Benzoinum) - 45g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar) - 30g. -calms heart and spirit, relieve irritability
Hu Po (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis, Magnolia Bark) - 30g. -calms heart and spirit, relieve irritability
Xiong Huang (Realgar) - 30g. -clears phlegm, relieves toxicity
Take 3 gram 1-3 times per day.
Actions: Clear heat and open orifice, resolve turbid and toxicity
Indications: disorientation, high fever, irritability, phlegm sound in the throat, red tongue with thick yallow coating, slipery and rapid pulse.
第二节 温开Warm and open orifice
苏合香丸 Su He Xiang Wan
Su He Xiang (Styrax Liquidis, Rose Maloes Resin, Styrax) - 30g. -opens closed disorders, eliminates turbidity, restores consciousness
She Xiang (Secretio Moschus, Naval Secdretions of Musk Deer, Musk) - 60g. --breaks up turbidity, open orifices, unblocks channels and collaterals
Bing Pian (Borneol) - 30g. -breaks up turbidity, open orifices, unblock channels and collaterals
An Xi Xiang (Benzoinum) - 60g. -opens closed disorders, eliminates turbidity, restores consciousness
Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandiae Lappae, Costus Root, Saussurea, Aucklandia) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Tan Xiang (Lignum Santali Albi, Heartwood of Sandalwood, Santalum) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae, Aloeswood, Quilaria) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Ru Xiang (Gummi Olibanum, Frankincense, Mastic) - 30g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Ding Xiang (Flos Caryophylli, Clove Flower Bud) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi, Nut Grass Rhizome, Cyperus) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Bi Ba (Fructus Piperis Longi, Long Pepper Fruit) - 60g. -warms middle jiao, expel cold, stop pain, clear stagnation
Xi Jiao (Herba Cephalanoplos, Small Thistle) - 60g. -relieves toxicity
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar) - 60g. -sedates spirit and calms the heart
Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephaelae, White Atractylodes Rhizome) - 60g. -strengthen spleen Qi, dry dampness, transform turbidity
He Zi (Fructus Terminaliae Chebulae, Myrobalan Fruit, Terminalia, Chebula) - 60g. -stops leakage of Qi
Taken in 3 gram doses 2-3 times per day.
Actions: Move Qi, Open orifice, Warm the middle and stop pain
Indications: Cold type coma. Sudden lost conciousenees,closed mouth, white tongue coating, slow pulse.
1. 安宫牛黄丸 An Gong Niu Huang Wan
Niu Huang (Calculus Bovis) - 30g. -clearing heat from heart and liver, relieves toxicity, resolve phlegm
Xi Jiao (Comu Rhinoceri) - 30g. -clearing fire from heart, liver and stomach, calms spirit
She Xiang (Secretio Moschus) - 7.5g. -opens up orifices, revives spirit
Huang Lian (Rhizoma, Coptidis) - 30g. -clear heat, bring heat downward
Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis) - 30g. -clear heat, bring heat downward
Zhi Zi (Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis) - 30g. -clear heat, bring heat downward
Xiong Huang (Realgar) - 30g. -clears phlegm, relieves toxicity
Bing Pian (Borneol) - 7.5g. -unblock orifices, clears heat
Yu Jin (Tuber Curcumae) - 30g. -unblock orifices, clears heat
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris) - 30g. -sedate heart, calm spirit, clear heat from liver and heart
Zhen Zhu (Magarita) - 15g.
Take 3 grams, 2 -3 times per day.
Actions: clear heat and relieve toxicity, resolve phlegm, open the orifices and calm the spirit.
Indications: high fever, irritability, restlessness, delirious speech, disorientation, high fever, irritability, impaired consciousness, wind stroke coma, convulsions, frigid extremities. Red tongue and rapid pulse.
2. 紫雪丹 Zi Xue Dan
Shi Gao (Gypsum, Gypsum) - 1500g. -clearing fire from Qi level, eliminates irritability, alleviates thirst
Han Shui Shi (Calcitum) - 1500g. -clears heat and fire, eliminate irritability, alleviate thirst
Hua Shi (Talcum, Talcum) -1500g. -promotes downward movement of heat, drains heat through urine
Xi Jiao (Cornu Rhinoceri, Rhinoceros Horn) - 150g. -clears heat from the ying and xue level, clears heart and liver fire
Ling Yang Jiao (Cornu Antelopis) - 150g. -drains liver fire, clears wind
She Xiang (Secretio Moschus, Naval Secretions of Musk Deer, Musk) - 37.5g. -opens heart orifices, restores consciousness
Xuan Shen (Radix Scrophulariae, Ningpo Figwort Root, Scrophularia) - 500g. -moves fire downwards, nourish yin, alleviates irritability
Ci Shi (Magnetitum, Magnetite) - 1500g. -sedate heart, cools heat
Sheng Ma (Rhizoma Cimicifugae, Bugbane Rhizome, Cimicifuga) - 500g. -clears heat, relieves toxicity
Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis, Honey Fried Licorice Root) - 240g. -relieves toxicity of other herbs within formula
Qing Mu Xiang (Radix Aristolochiae Qingmuxiang) - 150g. -promotes Qi circulation
Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae, Aloeswood, Aquilaria) - 150g. -promotes Qi circulation
Ding Xiang (Flos Caryophylli, Clove Flower Bud) - 30g. -promotes Qi circulation
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar) - 90g. -calms spirit, cools heat
Mang Xiao (Mirabilitum, Mirabilite, Glauber’s Salt) - 5000g. -drains heat, eliminates clumping
Xiao Shi (Niter) - 96g. -drains heat, eliminates clumping
Huang Jin (Gold) - 3000g. -sedates spirit
Each time take 1.5-3 grams, 2 times daily.
Actions: Clear heat and open orifice, distinguish wind and stop tremor
Indications: High fever, irritability, disorientation, delirious speech, impaired consciousness, convulsion, constipation, red tongue, dry and yellow coating, rapid and strong pulse.
3. 至宝丹 Zhi Bao Dan
Greatest Treasure Special Pill
Xi Jiao (Cornu Rhinoceri, Rhinoceros Horn) - 30g. -clears ying level heat, cools blood(Today Shui Niu Jiao is used in place of Xi Jiao).
Niu Huang (Calculus Bovis, Cattle Gallstone, Bezoar) - 15g. -clears heat, relieves toxicity, clears phlegm, opens up orifices
Dai Mao (Carapax Eretmochelydis Imbricatae) - 30g. -sedates heart, calms liver, clears heat and toxicity, stops spasms and convulsions
Bing Pian (Borneol) - 0.3g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices
She Xiang (Secreti9o Moschus, Naval Secretions of Musk Deer, Musk) - 0.3g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices
An Xi Xiang (Benzoinum) - 45g. -clears turbid phlegm, opens orifices
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar) - 30g. -calms heart and spirit, relieve irritability
Hu Po (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis, Magnolia Bark) - 30g. -calms heart and spirit, relieve irritability
Xiong Huang (Realgar) - 30g. -clears phlegm, relieves toxicity
Take 3 gram 1-3 times per day.
Actions: Clear heat and open orifice, resolve turbid and toxicity
Indications: disorientation, high fever, irritability, phlegm sound in the throat, red tongue with thick yallow coating, slipery and rapid pulse.
第二节 温开Warm and open orifice
苏合香丸 Su He Xiang Wan
Su He Xiang (Styrax Liquidis, Rose Maloes Resin, Styrax) - 30g. -opens closed disorders, eliminates turbidity, restores consciousness
She Xiang (Secretio Moschus, Naval Secdretions of Musk Deer, Musk) - 60g. --breaks up turbidity, open orifices, unblocks channels and collaterals
Bing Pian (Borneol) - 30g. -breaks up turbidity, open orifices, unblock channels and collaterals
An Xi Xiang (Benzoinum) - 60g. -opens closed disorders, eliminates turbidity, restores consciousness
Mu Xiang (Radix Aucklandiae Lappae, Costus Root, Saussurea, Aucklandia) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Tan Xiang (Lignum Santali Albi, Heartwood of Sandalwood, Santalum) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae, Aloeswood, Quilaria) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Ru Xiang (Gummi Olibanum, Frankincense, Mastic) - 30g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Ding Xiang (Flos Caryophylli, Clove Flower Bud) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Xiang Fu (Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi, Nut Grass Rhizome, Cyperus) - 60g. -invigorate Qi movement, direct rebel Qi downwards, expel cold, transform turbidity
Bi Ba (Fructus Piperis Longi, Long Pepper Fruit) - 60g. -warms middle jiao, expel cold, stop pain, clear stagnation
Xi Jiao (Herba Cephalanoplos, Small Thistle) - 60g. -relieves toxicity
Zhu Sha (Cinnabaris, Cinnabar) - 60g. -sedates spirit and calms the heart
Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephaelae, White Atractylodes Rhizome) - 60g. -strengthen spleen Qi, dry dampness, transform turbidity
He Zi (Fructus Terminaliae Chebulae, Myrobalan Fruit, Terminalia, Chebula) - 60g. -stops leakage of Qi
Taken in 3 gram doses 2-3 times per day.
Actions: Move Qi, Open orifice, Warm the middle and stop pain
Indications: Cold type coma. Sudden lost conciousenees,closed mouth, white tongue coating, slow pulse.