Chapter 4 清热剂 Formulas that clear heat. 29
1. 清气分热Formulas that clear Qi level heat
1. 白虎汤 Bai Hu Tang
(From Shang Han Lun)
Shi Gao (gypsum) 50g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)18g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 6g
Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 9g
Actions: Clear Qi level heat, drain Stomach Fire, generate fluids, relieve thirst
Indications: Yang Ming/Qi level heat manifested as 4 Bigs (big fever, big sweat, big pulse and big thirst).
2. 竹叶石膏汤 Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
(from Shang Han Lun)
Chief--- Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis) 15g
Chief--- Shi Gao (gypsum) 50g
Deputy--- Ren Shen (radix ginseng) 6g
Deputy--- Mai Men Dong (tuber ophiopogonis japonici) 20g
Assistant--- Ban Xia (rhizoma pinelliae ternatae) 9g
Assistant--- Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 10g
Assistant & Envoy --- Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 6g
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang = Bai Hu Tang – Zhi Mu + Ren Shen, Mai Dong, Zhu Ye and Ban Xia
Actions: Clears heat, generates fluids, tonify & regulate Qi, harmonizes Stomach
Indications: lingering fever with Qi and Yin injured from febrile disease accompanied by sweating, nausea or vomiting, irritability, thirst and want to drink, dry mouth, lips and throat, chest distension, red tongue with scanty coat, weak rapid pulse, or restlessness, insomnia.
2. 清营凉血 Formulas that Clear heat in Ying & blood levels
1. 清营汤 Qing Ying Tang
From Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Xi Jiao (cornu rhinoceri) 9g, Shui Niu Jiao (water buffalo) is substituted for Xi Jiao (cornu rhinoceri) now.
Xuan Shen (radix scrophulariae ningpoensis) 9g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae) 15g
Mai Men Dong (tuber pohiopogonis japonici) 9g
Jin Yin Hua (flos lonicerae japonicae) 9g
Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae) 6g
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis) 4.5g
Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis) 3g
Dan Shen( radix salviae miltiorrhizae) 6g
Actions: Clears Ying level, relieves Fire toxin, drain Heat, nourish Yin
Indications: High fever that is worse at night, Heat disturbs the Heart causing severe irritability, restlessness, and insomnia, dry scarlet red tongue, thin rapid pulse, may be thirsty, delirious, may see faint erythema of the epidermis (if this is present the pathogen is moving into the Xue level).
2. 犀角地黄汤 Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
From Qian Jin Yao Fang
Xi Jiao (cornu rhinoceri)…3g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…24g
Shao Yao (radix paeoniae)…9g
Mu Dan Pi (cortex moutan radicis)…6g
Clears Heat/Fire toxin, cools blood, nourish Yin, moves Blood Stasis, stops bleeding
Indications: 1. heat entering the blood level manifested as fever, distinct rashes and/or 2. bleeding (vomiting, nosebleeds, urine, stool), black tarry stools (molena), abdominal distension, scarlet red with prickles tongue, thin rapid, may be delerium pulse.
3. 清热解毒Formulas that Clear heat resolve toxicity
1. 普济消毒饮 Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin
From Wei Sheng Bao Jian
Huang Qin (wine fried radix scutellariae)…15g
Huang Lian (wine fried rhizoma coptidis)…15g
Niu Bang Zi (fructus arctii lappae)…3g
Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae)…3g
Bo He (herba mentae haplocalycis)…3g
Jiang Can (bombyx batryticatus)…1.5g
Xuan Shen (radix scrophulariae ningpoensis)…6g
Ma Bo (fructificatio lasiosphaerae seu calvatiae)…3g
Ban Lan Gen (radix isatidis seu baphicacanthi)…3g
Jie Geng (radix platycodi grandiflori)…6g
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…6g
Chen Pi (pericarpium citri reticulatae)…6g
Chai Hu (radix bupleuri)…6g
Sheng Ma (rhizoma cimicifugae)…1.5g
Actions: Clears Heat, resolve toxicity, expels Wind/Heat
Indications: High fever and chills, red head and face with burning pain. Sore throat, dry mouth, lips and throat, thirst, T- red with yellow coat, P- floating rapid full and forceful.
2. 黄连解毒汤 Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…9g
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…6g
Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…6g
Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis)…9g
Actions:Drains Fire & relieves toxicity
Indications: For heat and toxicity in all three Jiao manifested as pustule, high fever, irritability, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, dark urine, red with yellow tongue coating, rapid forceful pulse. Bleeding, various toxic swellings (skin), dysentery, jaundice due to damp/heat are also indications.
4. 清脏腑热 Clear Zang Fu heat
1. 龙胆泻肝汤 Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Yi Fang Ji Jie
C---Long Dan Cao (radix gentianae longdancao) 6g
D---Huang Qin (radix scutellariae) 9g
D---Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis) 9g
A---Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalis) 12g
A---Mu Tong (caulis mutong) 9g
A---Che Qian Zi (semen plantaginis) 9g
A---Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae) 9g
A---Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis) 3g
A---Chai Hu (radix bupleuri) 6g
E---Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 6g
Actions: Clear liver and gallbladder heat, clear damp/heat in lower Jiao
Indications: pain in the hypochondriac region, headache, dizziness, red sore eyes, trouble with hearing, ear swelling or infection, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, anger, hot painful difficult urination that is dark yellow and smelly, smelly leukorrhea or menstrual irregularities in women. Red tongue with yellow coating, wiry pulse.
2. 左金丸 Zuo Jin Wan
Dan Xi Xin Fa
Huang Lian (ginger juice fried rhizoma coptidis) 18g
Wu Zhu Yu (fructus evodiae rutaecarpae) 3g
Actions: clears liver heat, redirects rebel Qi, stops nausea & vomiting
Indications: Liver fire attacks Stomach manifested as hypochondrial pain, indeterminate hunger, epigastric focal distension, vomiting, acid regurgitation, belching, bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry rapid pulse.
Now this formula is used for peptic ulcers, acid reflux, and dysentery which are caused by Liver fire attacks Stomach.
Caution: Huang Lian should be six times to Wu Zhu Yu to moderate the heat of Wu Zhu Yu. Do not use for deficient Stomach cold.
3. 玉女煎 Yu Nu Jian
From Jing Yue Quan Shu
Shi Gao (gypsum)…30g
Shu Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae conquitae)…30g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)…6g
Mai Men Dong (tuber ophiopogoniss japonici)…6g
Niu Xi (radix achyranthis bidentatae)…5
Actions: clear heat, nourish Yin
Indications: toothache, loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal headache (Yangming), irritable, fever, thirst with desire to drink cold beverages, gingivitis, stomatitis, T- dry red with yellow coat, P- floating slippery weak large. Stomach Fire injuring the Kidney Yin, this shows directly when there is toothache and bleeding gums (Stomach Heat) and loose teeth (Kidney deficiency).
4. 芍药汤 Shao Yao Tang
Bai Shao Yao (radix paeoniae lactiflorae)…20g [regulate Blood and Ying]
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…9g [regulate Blood and Ying]
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…5g [moderates spasm]
Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…5g [move Qi]
Bing Lang (semen arecae catechu)…5g [move Qi]
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…9g [clear Damp & Heat]
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…12g [clear Damp & Heat]
Da Huang (radix and rhizoma rhei)…9g [purge Heat]
Rou Gui (cortex cinnamomi cassiae)…3g [move Blood, oppose cold bitter of other herbs]
Actions: regulates & harmonizes Qi & blood, clears Heat, detoxify
Indications: Damp-heat in the intestines leading to diarrhea with equal amounts of pus and blood, pain, and tenesmus. T- greasy yellow coat. P- rapid (soft or slippery).
5. 泻白散 Xie Bai San
(Drain the white powder, first reported form Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue)
C--- (Chao) Sang Bai Pi (dry fried cortex mori albae radicis)15g
D---Di Gu Pi (cortex lucii radicis) 15g
A, E---Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 5g
A, E---Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 30g
Actions: drains Lung heat, calms wheezing
Indications: cough and wheezing, skin feels warm to the touch, dry mouth and throat, scanty sputum that is difficult to cough up, red tongue with yellow coating, thin rapid pulse.
6. 清胃散 Qing Wei San
Clear Stomach powder
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…6g
Sheng Ma (rhizoma cimicifugae)…6g
Mu Dan Pi (cortex moutan radicis)…9g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…12g
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…12g
Actions: drains Stomach Fire, cools blood, nourishes Yin
Indications: Stomach heat causing Fire to travel along its meridian causing toothache radiating to the head, mouth sores, bad breath, bleeding of the gums, dry mouth, swollen painful tongue or gums, T- red with scanty coating, P- rapid slippery.
7. 白头翁汤 Bai Tou Weng Tang
(from Shang Han Lun)
C---Bai Tou Weng (radix pulsatillae chinensis) 15g
D---Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis) 6g
D---Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri) 12g
A---Qin Pi (cortex fraxini) 12g
Actions: Clear heat and resolve toxicity, cool blood and stop diarrhea
Indications: diarrhea with pain in the abdomen, tenesmus, burning anus, stool contains more blood than pus, thirsty, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse.
导赤散 Dao Chi San
From Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue means Guide out the Red powder
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae) 6g
Mu Tong (caulis mutong) 6g
Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis) 6g
Gan Cao Shao (tips of radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 3g
Actions: clears Heart & Small Intestine meridian Heat, promotes urination.
Indications: Heat in the Heart and Small Intestine meridians manifested as irritability and heat feeling in the chest, thirst for cold drinks, red face, cankers of the tongue, painful urination (Heat transferring to the SI) that may be difficult or contain blood. T- red, P- rapid.
1. 清虚热 Formulas that Clear deficiency heat
1. 青蒿鳖甲汤 Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
First reported form Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Bie Jia (carapax amydae sinensis)…15g
Qing Hao (herba artemisiae annuae)…6g [add near end]
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…12g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)…6g
Mu Dan Pi (cortex moutan radicis)…9g
Actions: Nourish Yin and clear heat
Indications: Yin and fluids are very depleted causing a night fever without sweat, in the morning feel cold, T- red with scanty coat, P- thin rapid.
2. 当归六黄汤Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…15g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…15g
Shu Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae conquitae)…15g
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…15g
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…15g
Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…15g
Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)…30g
Actions: nourish Yin, clears Heat, stabilize exterior, stop night sweating
Indications: Kidney Yin deficiency leads to deficient Heart Fire causing night sweats, fever, red face in the afternoon, anxiety, irritability, dry lips, mouth and throat, dry stool, dark scanty urine, T- red dry, P- thin rapid.
3. 清骨散 Qing Gu San
From Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng
Yin Chai Hu (radix stellariae dichotomae)…5g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)…3g
Hu Huang Lian (rhizoma picrorhizae)…3g
Di Gu Pi (cortex lycii radicis)…3g
Qing Hao (herba artemisiae annuae)…3g
Qin Jiao (radix gentianae qinjiao)…3g
Zhi Bie Jia (honey fried carapax amydae sinensis)…3g
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae yralensis)…2g
Actions: clear deficiency Heat, relieve steaming bone
Indications: Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency gives rise to Fire, afternoon tidal fever or constant low grade fever, feel the Heat deep inside the body or in the bones although the skin is not warm to the touch, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, light sleeps, many dreams, fidgety. emaciation, lethargy, red lips and cheeks in the afternoon, night sweats, thirst, dry mouth and throat, five centers heat sensation, T- red with scanty coat, P- thin rapid.
5. 清热祛暑Formulas that clear Summer-heat
六一散 Liu Yi San
(Form Shang Han Zhi Ge), (Six-to-One powder)
Chief---Hua Shi (talcum) 180g
Deputy & assistant---Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 30g
Grind together into powder, take 9-18g of them.
Actions: clears summer-heat, resolves dampness
Indications: fever, thirst, difficult urination, or diarrhea
清暑益气汤Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang
(From Wen Re Jing Wei, means clear summer-heat and strengthen Qi)
Chief---Xi Gua Pi (pericarpium citrulli vulgaris) 30g
Chief---Xi Yang Shen (radix panacis quinquefolii) 6g
Deputy---Lian Geng (ramulus nelumbinis nuciferae) 15g
Deputy---Shi Hu (herba dendrobii) 15g
Deputy---Mai Men Dong (tuber ophiopogonis japonici) 9g
Assistant---Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis) 3g
Assistant---Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis) 6g
Assistant---Dan Zhu Ye (herba lphatheri gracilis) 6g
Envoy---Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 3g
Envoy---Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 15g
Actions: clears summer-heat, strengthens Qi, nourishes Yin, generates fluids
Indications: summer-heat injuries Qi and Yin manifested as fever with copious sweating, irritability and thirst for cold drinks, dark scanty urine, tired with shortness of breath, rapid and weak pulse.
新加香薷饮Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin
(from Wen Bing Tiao Bian)
Chief---Xiang Ru (herba elsholtiziae seu moslae) 6g
Deputy---Fresh Bian Dou flower (semen dolichoris lablab) 9g
Deputy---Jin Yin Hua (flos lonicerae japonicae) 9g
Deputy---Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae) 9g
Assistant---Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis) 6g
Actions: expel summer-heat and release the exterior cold, clear heat and resolve dampness
Indications: fever, aversion to cold without sweating, headache, body ache, red face, thirst, white greasy tongue coating, floating and rapid pulse.
1. 白虎汤 Bai Hu Tang
(From Shang Han Lun)
Shi Gao (gypsum) 50g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)18g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 6g
Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 9g
Actions: Clear Qi level heat, drain Stomach Fire, generate fluids, relieve thirst
Indications: Yang Ming/Qi level heat manifested as 4 Bigs (big fever, big sweat, big pulse and big thirst).
2. 竹叶石膏汤 Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
(from Shang Han Lun)
Chief--- Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis) 15g
Chief--- Shi Gao (gypsum) 50g
Deputy--- Ren Shen (radix ginseng) 6g
Deputy--- Mai Men Dong (tuber ophiopogonis japonici) 20g
Assistant--- Ban Xia (rhizoma pinelliae ternatae) 9g
Assistant--- Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 10g
Assistant & Envoy --- Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 6g
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang = Bai Hu Tang – Zhi Mu + Ren Shen, Mai Dong, Zhu Ye and Ban Xia
Actions: Clears heat, generates fluids, tonify & regulate Qi, harmonizes Stomach
Indications: lingering fever with Qi and Yin injured from febrile disease accompanied by sweating, nausea or vomiting, irritability, thirst and want to drink, dry mouth, lips and throat, chest distension, red tongue with scanty coat, weak rapid pulse, or restlessness, insomnia.
2. 清营凉血 Formulas that Clear heat in Ying & blood levels
1. 清营汤 Qing Ying Tang
From Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Xi Jiao (cornu rhinoceri) 9g, Shui Niu Jiao (water buffalo) is substituted for Xi Jiao (cornu rhinoceri) now.
Xuan Shen (radix scrophulariae ningpoensis) 9g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae) 15g
Mai Men Dong (tuber pohiopogonis japonici) 9g
Jin Yin Hua (flos lonicerae japonicae) 9g
Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae) 6g
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis) 4.5g
Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis) 3g
Dan Shen( radix salviae miltiorrhizae) 6g
Actions: Clears Ying level, relieves Fire toxin, drain Heat, nourish Yin
Indications: High fever that is worse at night, Heat disturbs the Heart causing severe irritability, restlessness, and insomnia, dry scarlet red tongue, thin rapid pulse, may be thirsty, delirious, may see faint erythema of the epidermis (if this is present the pathogen is moving into the Xue level).
2. 犀角地黄汤 Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
From Qian Jin Yao Fang
Xi Jiao (cornu rhinoceri)…3g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…24g
Shao Yao (radix paeoniae)…9g
Mu Dan Pi (cortex moutan radicis)…6g
Clears Heat/Fire toxin, cools blood, nourish Yin, moves Blood Stasis, stops bleeding
Indications: 1. heat entering the blood level manifested as fever, distinct rashes and/or 2. bleeding (vomiting, nosebleeds, urine, stool), black tarry stools (molena), abdominal distension, scarlet red with prickles tongue, thin rapid, may be delerium pulse.
3. 清热解毒Formulas that Clear heat resolve toxicity
1. 普济消毒饮 Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin
From Wei Sheng Bao Jian
Huang Qin (wine fried radix scutellariae)…15g
Huang Lian (wine fried rhizoma coptidis)…15g
Niu Bang Zi (fructus arctii lappae)…3g
Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae)…3g
Bo He (herba mentae haplocalycis)…3g
Jiang Can (bombyx batryticatus)…1.5g
Xuan Shen (radix scrophulariae ningpoensis)…6g
Ma Bo (fructificatio lasiosphaerae seu calvatiae)…3g
Ban Lan Gen (radix isatidis seu baphicacanthi)…3g
Jie Geng (radix platycodi grandiflori)…6g
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…6g
Chen Pi (pericarpium citri reticulatae)…6g
Chai Hu (radix bupleuri)…6g
Sheng Ma (rhizoma cimicifugae)…1.5g
Actions: Clears Heat, resolve toxicity, expels Wind/Heat
Indications: High fever and chills, red head and face with burning pain. Sore throat, dry mouth, lips and throat, thirst, T- red with yellow coat, P- floating rapid full and forceful.
2. 黄连解毒汤 Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…9g
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…6g
Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…6g
Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis)…9g
Actions:Drains Fire & relieves toxicity
Indications: For heat and toxicity in all three Jiao manifested as pustule, high fever, irritability, dry mouth and throat, insomnia, dark urine, red with yellow tongue coating, rapid forceful pulse. Bleeding, various toxic swellings (skin), dysentery, jaundice due to damp/heat are also indications.
4. 清脏腑热 Clear Zang Fu heat
1. 龙胆泻肝汤 Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Yi Fang Ji Jie
C---Long Dan Cao (radix gentianae longdancao) 6g
D---Huang Qin (radix scutellariae) 9g
D---Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis) 9g
A---Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalis) 12g
A---Mu Tong (caulis mutong) 9g
A---Che Qian Zi (semen plantaginis) 9g
A---Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae) 9g
A---Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis) 3g
A---Chai Hu (radix bupleuri) 6g
E---Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 6g
Actions: Clear liver and gallbladder heat, clear damp/heat in lower Jiao
Indications: pain in the hypochondriac region, headache, dizziness, red sore eyes, trouble with hearing, ear swelling or infection, bitter taste in the mouth, irritability, anger, hot painful difficult urination that is dark yellow and smelly, smelly leukorrhea or menstrual irregularities in women. Red tongue with yellow coating, wiry pulse.
2. 左金丸 Zuo Jin Wan
Dan Xi Xin Fa
Huang Lian (ginger juice fried rhizoma coptidis) 18g
Wu Zhu Yu (fructus evodiae rutaecarpae) 3g
Actions: clears liver heat, redirects rebel Qi, stops nausea & vomiting
Indications: Liver fire attacks Stomach manifested as hypochondrial pain, indeterminate hunger, epigastric focal distension, vomiting, acid regurgitation, belching, bitter taste in mouth, dry mouth, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry rapid pulse.
Now this formula is used for peptic ulcers, acid reflux, and dysentery which are caused by Liver fire attacks Stomach.
Caution: Huang Lian should be six times to Wu Zhu Yu to moderate the heat of Wu Zhu Yu. Do not use for deficient Stomach cold.
3. 玉女煎 Yu Nu Jian
From Jing Yue Quan Shu
Shi Gao (gypsum)…30g
Shu Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae conquitae)…30g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)…6g
Mai Men Dong (tuber ophiopogoniss japonici)…6g
Niu Xi (radix achyranthis bidentatae)…5
Actions: clear heat, nourish Yin
Indications: toothache, loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal headache (Yangming), irritable, fever, thirst with desire to drink cold beverages, gingivitis, stomatitis, T- dry red with yellow coat, P- floating slippery weak large. Stomach Fire injuring the Kidney Yin, this shows directly when there is toothache and bleeding gums (Stomach Heat) and loose teeth (Kidney deficiency).
4. 芍药汤 Shao Yao Tang
Bai Shao Yao (radix paeoniae lactiflorae)…20g [regulate Blood and Ying]
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…9g [regulate Blood and Ying]
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…5g [moderates spasm]
Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…5g [move Qi]
Bing Lang (semen arecae catechu)…5g [move Qi]
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…9g [clear Damp & Heat]
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…12g [clear Damp & Heat]
Da Huang (radix and rhizoma rhei)…9g [purge Heat]
Rou Gui (cortex cinnamomi cassiae)…3g [move Blood, oppose cold bitter of other herbs]
Actions: regulates & harmonizes Qi & blood, clears Heat, detoxify
Indications: Damp-heat in the intestines leading to diarrhea with equal amounts of pus and blood, pain, and tenesmus. T- greasy yellow coat. P- rapid (soft or slippery).
5. 泻白散 Xie Bai San
(Drain the white powder, first reported form Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue)
C--- (Chao) Sang Bai Pi (dry fried cortex mori albae radicis)15g
D---Di Gu Pi (cortex lucii radicis) 15g
A, E---Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 5g
A, E---Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 30g
Actions: drains Lung heat, calms wheezing
Indications: cough and wheezing, skin feels warm to the touch, dry mouth and throat, scanty sputum that is difficult to cough up, red tongue with yellow coating, thin rapid pulse.
6. 清胃散 Qing Wei San
Clear Stomach powder
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…6g
Sheng Ma (rhizoma cimicifugae)…6g
Mu Dan Pi (cortex moutan radicis)…9g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…12g
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…12g
Actions: drains Stomach Fire, cools blood, nourishes Yin
Indications: Stomach heat causing Fire to travel along its meridian causing toothache radiating to the head, mouth sores, bad breath, bleeding of the gums, dry mouth, swollen painful tongue or gums, T- red with scanty coating, P- rapid slippery.
7. 白头翁汤 Bai Tou Weng Tang
(from Shang Han Lun)
C---Bai Tou Weng (radix pulsatillae chinensis) 15g
D---Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis) 6g
D---Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri) 12g
A---Qin Pi (cortex fraxini) 12g
Actions: Clear heat and resolve toxicity, cool blood and stop diarrhea
Indications: diarrhea with pain in the abdomen, tenesmus, burning anus, stool contains more blood than pus, thirsty, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse.
导赤散 Dao Chi San
From Xiao Er Yao Zheng Zhi Jue means Guide out the Red powder
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae) 6g
Mu Tong (caulis mutong) 6g
Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis) 6g
Gan Cao Shao (tips of radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 3g
Actions: clears Heart & Small Intestine meridian Heat, promotes urination.
Indications: Heat in the Heart and Small Intestine meridians manifested as irritability and heat feeling in the chest, thirst for cold drinks, red face, cankers of the tongue, painful urination (Heat transferring to the SI) that may be difficult or contain blood. T- red, P- rapid.
1. 清虚热 Formulas that Clear deficiency heat
1. 青蒿鳖甲汤 Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
First reported form Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Bie Jia (carapax amydae sinensis)…15g
Qing Hao (herba artemisiae annuae)…6g [add near end]
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…12g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)…6g
Mu Dan Pi (cortex moutan radicis)…9g
Actions: Nourish Yin and clear heat
Indications: Yin and fluids are very depleted causing a night fever without sweat, in the morning feel cold, T- red with scanty coat, P- thin rapid.
2. 当归六黄汤Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…15g
Sheng Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae)…15g
Shu Di Huang (radix rehmanniae glutinosae conquitae)…15g
Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…15g
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…15g
Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…15g
Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)…30g
Actions: nourish Yin, clears Heat, stabilize exterior, stop night sweating
Indications: Kidney Yin deficiency leads to deficient Heart Fire causing night sweats, fever, red face in the afternoon, anxiety, irritability, dry lips, mouth and throat, dry stool, dark scanty urine, T- red dry, P- thin rapid.
3. 清骨散 Qing Gu San
From Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng
Yin Chai Hu (radix stellariae dichotomae)…5g
Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis)…3g
Hu Huang Lian (rhizoma picrorhizae)…3g
Di Gu Pi (cortex lycii radicis)…3g
Qing Hao (herba artemisiae annuae)…3g
Qin Jiao (radix gentianae qinjiao)…3g
Zhi Bie Jia (honey fried carapax amydae sinensis)…3g
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae yralensis)…2g
Actions: clear deficiency Heat, relieve steaming bone
Indications: Liver and Kidney Yin deficiency gives rise to Fire, afternoon tidal fever or constant low grade fever, feel the Heat deep inside the body or in the bones although the skin is not warm to the touch, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, light sleeps, many dreams, fidgety. emaciation, lethargy, red lips and cheeks in the afternoon, night sweats, thirst, dry mouth and throat, five centers heat sensation, T- red with scanty coat, P- thin rapid.
5. 清热祛暑Formulas that clear Summer-heat
六一散 Liu Yi San
(Form Shang Han Zhi Ge), (Six-to-One powder)
Chief---Hua Shi (talcum) 180g
Deputy & assistant---Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 30g
Grind together into powder, take 9-18g of them.
Actions: clears summer-heat, resolves dampness
Indications: fever, thirst, difficult urination, or diarrhea
清暑益气汤Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang
(From Wen Re Jing Wei, means clear summer-heat and strengthen Qi)
Chief---Xi Gua Pi (pericarpium citrulli vulgaris) 30g
Chief---Xi Yang Shen (radix panacis quinquefolii) 6g
Deputy---Lian Geng (ramulus nelumbinis nuciferae) 15g
Deputy---Shi Hu (herba dendrobii) 15g
Deputy---Mai Men Dong (tuber ophiopogonis japonici) 9g
Assistant---Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis) 3g
Assistant---Zhi Mu (radix anemarrhenae asphodeloidis) 6g
Assistant---Dan Zhu Ye (herba lphatheri gracilis) 6g
Envoy---Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis) 3g
Envoy---Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice) 15g
Actions: clears summer-heat, strengthens Qi, nourishes Yin, generates fluids
Indications: summer-heat injuries Qi and Yin manifested as fever with copious sweating, irritability and thirst for cold drinks, dark scanty urine, tired with shortness of breath, rapid and weak pulse.
新加香薷饮Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin
(from Wen Bing Tiao Bian)
Chief---Xiang Ru (herba elsholtiziae seu moslae) 6g
Deputy---Fresh Bian Dou flower (semen dolichoris lablab) 9g
Deputy---Jin Yin Hua (flos lonicerae japonicae) 9g
Deputy---Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae) 9g
Assistant---Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis) 6g
Actions: expel summer-heat and release the exterior cold, clear heat and resolve dampness
Indications: fever, aversion to cold without sweating, headache, body ache, red face, thirst, white greasy tongue coating, floating and rapid pulse.