Chapter 14 祛湿剂 Formulae that eliminate dampness
1 化湿和胃Formula that eliminate dampness and harmonize stomach
平胃散 Ping Wei San
Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Cang Zhu (rhzoma atractylodis)…2500g (powder dosages)
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…1560g
Chen Pi (pericarpium citri retuculatae)…1560g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…900g
Actions: dry dampness, strengthen spleen, move Qi and harmonize stomach
Indications: distension and fullness in the abdomen, loss of appetite, heavy limbs, loose stool or diarrhea, fatigue, desire to sleep lots, nausea and vomiting, belching, acid regurgitation, swollen tongue with thick white and greasy coat, moderate or slippery pulse.
藿香正气散 Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
From Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang, means Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi
Huo Xiang (herba agastaches seu pogostemi)…90g (powder dosages)
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…60g
Chen Pi (pericarpium citri retuculatae)…60g
Zi Su Ye (folium perillae frutescentis)…30g
Bai Zhi (radix angelicae dahuricae)…30g
Ban Xia (rhizoma pinelliae ternatae)…60g
Da Fu Pi (pericarpium arecae catechu)…30g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…60g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…30g
Jie Geng (radix platycodi grandiflori)…60g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…75g
Take 6g 2-3 times a day.
Actions: release the exterior, transform Dampness, regulate Qi, harmonize the middle
Indications: fever and chills, headache, abdominal fullness and pain, nausea and vomiting, borborygmus, diarrhea, loss of taste, white greasy tongue coat, moderate soft pulse.
2 清热祛湿Formulae that clear heat and eliminate dampness
茵陈蒿汤 Yin Chen Hao Tang
From Shang han lun
Yin Chen Hao (herba artemisiae yinchenhao)…18g
Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis)…9g
Da Huang (radix and rhizoma rhei)…6g
Actions: clear damp-heat to reduce jaundice, stop Liver and Gallbladder pain
Indications: whole body jaundice with fresh tangerine colour, abdominal distension, urinary difficulty, thirst (only take sips), yellow greasy tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse.
八正散Ba Zheng San
From Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Mu Tong (caulis mutong)…3-6g
Hua Shi (talcum)…12-30g
Che Qian Zi (semen plantaginis)…9-15g
Qu Mai (herba dianthi)…6-12g
Bian Xu (herba polygoni avicularis)…6-12g
Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis)…3-9g
Zhi Da Huang (treated radix and rhizoma rhei)…6-9g
Deng Xin Cao (medulla junci effusi)…3-6g
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…3-9g
Actions: clear Heat & Fire, promote urination to remove obstruction
Indications: Lin syndrome due to low Jiao Damp/Heat: Dark turbid difficult and painful urination, dry mouth and throat, yellow greasy tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse.
三仁汤San Ren Tang
From Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Xing Ren (semen pruni armeniacae)…15g
Bai Dou Kou ( fructus amomi kravanh)…6g
Yi Yi Ren (semen coicis lachryma-jobi)…18g
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…6g
Ban Xia (rhizoma pinelliae ternatae)…9g
Tong Cao (medulla tetrapanacia papyriferi)…6g
Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis)…6g
Hua Shi (talcum)…18g
Actions: disperses and regulates Qi, clears Damp/Heat
Indications: headache, chills, afternoon fever, heavy sensation in the body, generalized pain, pale yellow complexion, chest distension, poor appetite, no thirst, white tongue coat, wiry thin soft pulse.
二妙散Er Miao San
Dan Xi Xin Fa
Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…15g
Cang Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis)…15g
Actions: clears Heat, dries Damp
Indications: scanty yellow urine with yellow greasy tongue coat.
甘露消毒丹 Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
From Wen Re Jing Wei
Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae)…120g (powder dosages)
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…300g
Bo He (herba menthae haplocalycis)…120g
She Gan (rhizoma belamcandae chinensis)…120g
Chuan Bei Mu (bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae)…150g
Hua Shi (talcum)…450g
Mu Tong (caulis mutong)…150g
Yin Chen Hao (herba artemisiae yinchenhao)…330g
Huo Xiang (herba agastaches seu pogostemi)…120g
Shi Chang Pu (rhizoma acori graminei)…180g
Bai Dou Kou (fructus amomi kravanh)…120g
Take 9g 2 times a day.
Actions: clear turbid dampness, resolve heat tocxicity
Indications: fever, achy limbs, lethargy, swollen throat, chest distension, tiredness, abdominal distension, thirsty, dark scanty urine, white greasy or yellow dry tongue coat, soft rapid pulse, may also be vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice or unremitting fever.
3. 利水渗湿 Formulas promoting urination
五苓散 Wu Ling San
Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalis)…15g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…9g
Zhu Ling (sclerotium polypori umbellate)…9g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…9g
Gui Zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae)…6g
Actions: promote urination, drains Damp, strengthens Spleen, warms Yang, promotes Qi transformation
Indications: 1) headache, low degree fever, irritable, strong thirst but vomit immediately after drinking, urinary difficulty, floating pulse. 2) Edema, generalized sensation of heaviness, diarrhea, urinary difficulty, vomiting and diarrhea due to sudden turmoil. 3) Throbbing pulsations just below the umbilicus, vomiting frothy saliva, vertigo, shortness of breath, coughing. White tongue coating, moderate pulse.
猪苓汤 Zhu Ling Tang
Zhu Ling (sclerotium polypori umbellate)…9g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…9g
Hua Shi (talcum)…9g
Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalis)…9g
E Jiao (gelatinum corii asini)…9g
Actions: promotes urination, clears Heat, nourishes Yin
Indications: urinary difficulty accompanied by fever and thirst with desire to drink, fever, diarrhea, cough, nausea, irritable, insomnia. Red tongue, thin pulse.
五皮散 Wu Pi San
Sang Bai Pi (dry fried cortex mori albae radicis) 9g
Chen Pi (Pericarpium citri erythrocarpae) 9g
Sheng Jiang Pi (cortex zingiberis officinalis recens) 9g
Fu Ling Pi (cortex poriae cocos) 9g
Da Fu Pi (pericarpium arecae catechu) 9g
Actions: resolves Dampness in lower Jiao, nourishes Kidneys, regulates Qi, Strengthen Spleen
Indications: generalized edema (skin edema, Pi Shui) with heavy sensation, abdominal distension and fullness, labored and heavy breathing, urinary difficulty, white greasy tongue coat, deep moderate pulse.
防己黄芪汤 Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Jin gui yao lue
Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)15g -stabilizes wei Qi, tonify wei Qi
Han Fang Ji (radix stephaniae tetrandrae)12g-release exterior, unblocks channels, promotes urination, drains dampness, relieves pain
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)9g-tonify spleen, clears dampness, stabilizes exterior
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)6g-tonify spleen
Sheng Jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis recens)4 pieces-regulate and harmonize ying and wei Qi levels
Da Zao (fructus zizyphi jujubae)1 piece-regulates and harmonizes ying and wei Qi levels
Actions: tonify Qi, expel Wind, strengthen Spleen & remove water
Indications: sweating, heavy feeling body, superficial edema, urinary difficulty, pale tongue with white coat, floating pulse.
4. 温化水湿 formulas warming and transforms Phlegm-fluids
苓桂术甘汤 Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Shang han lun
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…12g
Gui Zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae)…9g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atracylodis macrocephalae)…6g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…6g
Actions: warms & transforms Phlegm-fluids, strengthen Spleen, clear Dampness
Indications: fullness in the chest and hypochondria, palpitations, shortness of breath, coughing up clear and watery sputum, dizziness, pale tongue and swollen with white slippery tongue coat, slippery and either wiry or soft pulse.
真武汤Zhen Wu Tang
Chief--- Fu Zi (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata)
Deputy--- Fu Ling (Poria)
Deputy--- Sheng Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)
Assistant--- Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macroceph)
Assistant--- Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba)
Actions: warm Yang and promote urination
Indications: spleen and kidney Yang deficiency manifested as urinary retention, heavy and pain feeling of limbs or edema, abdominal pain with loosing stool, or palpitation, dizziness, not thirsty. White tongue coating, deep pulse.
实脾饮 Shi Pi Yin
Fu Zi (radix lateralis aconiti carmichaeli praeparata)…6g
Gan Jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis)…6g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…6g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…6g
Mu Gua (fructus chaenomelis lagenariae)…6g
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…6g
Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…6g
Da Fu Pi (pericarpium arecae catechu)…6g
Cao Guo (fructus amomi tsao-ko)…6g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis)…3g
Actions: warms Yang, strengthens Spleen, moves Qi, promotes urination
Indications: generalized edema that is more severe below the waist, cold limbs, chest and abdominal fullness and distension, heavy body, no appetite, no thirst, scanty urine, loose stool, pale tongue body with thick greasy tongue coat, deep slow or deep thin pulse.
5. 祛湿化浊Formulas removing turbid Dampness
萆薢分清饮 Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin
Dan Xi Xin Fa
Bei Xie (rhizoma dioscoreae hypoglaucae)…12g
Yi Zhi Ren (fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae)…9g
Wu Yao (radix linderae strychnifoliae)…9g
Shi Chang Pu (rhizoma acori graminei)…9g
Actions: warms Kidney Yang, remove turbid Dampness
Indications: frequent, cloudy, milky, or greasy urine.
完带汤 Wan Dai Tang
Ren Shen ginseng root 6 g
Shan Yao dioscorea rhizome 30 g
Bai Zhu (white) atratylodes rhizome 30 g
Che Qian Zi plantago seeds 9 g
Cang Zhu atractylodes rhizome 9 g
Chen Pi aged tangerine peel 2 g
Jing Jie schizonepeta stem or bud 2 g
Chai Hu hare's ear root, thorowax root, bupleurum 2 g
Bai Shao white peony root 15 g
Gan Cao licorice root 3 g
Actions: tonify spleen, sooth liver, resolve dampness, and stop leukorrhagia
Indications: profused vaginal discharge that is white or pale yellow, not foul-smelling. Pale complexion, fatigue, loose stools, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a sluggish and frail pulse.
羌活胜湿汤 Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang
Nei wai shang bian huo lun
Qiang Huo (radix and rhizoma notopterygii)…3g
Du Huo (radix angelicae pubescentis)…3g
Gao Ben (rhizoma and radix ligustici)…1.5g
Fang Feng (radix ledebouriellae divaricatae)…1.5g
Chuan Xiong (radix ligustici chuanxiong)…1.5g
Man Jing Zi (fructus viticis)…0.9g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…1.5g
Actions: expel Wind & Dampness
Indications: heavy and painful head body, and back, difficulty in rotating or bending the trunk, mild fever, chills, white tongue coat, floating pulse.
平胃散 Ping Wei San
Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Cang Zhu (rhzoma atractylodis)…2500g (powder dosages)
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…1560g
Chen Pi (pericarpium citri retuculatae)…1560g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…900g
Actions: dry dampness, strengthen spleen, move Qi and harmonize stomach
Indications: distension and fullness in the abdomen, loss of appetite, heavy limbs, loose stool or diarrhea, fatigue, desire to sleep lots, nausea and vomiting, belching, acid regurgitation, swollen tongue with thick white and greasy coat, moderate or slippery pulse.
藿香正气散 Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
From Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang, means Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi
Huo Xiang (herba agastaches seu pogostemi)…90g (powder dosages)
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…60g
Chen Pi (pericarpium citri retuculatae)…60g
Zi Su Ye (folium perillae frutescentis)…30g
Bai Zhi (radix angelicae dahuricae)…30g
Ban Xia (rhizoma pinelliae ternatae)…60g
Da Fu Pi (pericarpium arecae catechu)…30g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…60g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…30g
Jie Geng (radix platycodi grandiflori)…60g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…75g
Take 6g 2-3 times a day.
Actions: release the exterior, transform Dampness, regulate Qi, harmonize the middle
Indications: fever and chills, headache, abdominal fullness and pain, nausea and vomiting, borborygmus, diarrhea, loss of taste, white greasy tongue coat, moderate soft pulse.
2 清热祛湿Formulae that clear heat and eliminate dampness
茵陈蒿汤 Yin Chen Hao Tang
From Shang han lun
Yin Chen Hao (herba artemisiae yinchenhao)…18g
Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis)…9g
Da Huang (radix and rhizoma rhei)…6g
Actions: clear damp-heat to reduce jaundice, stop Liver and Gallbladder pain
Indications: whole body jaundice with fresh tangerine colour, abdominal distension, urinary difficulty, thirst (only take sips), yellow greasy tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse.
八正散Ba Zheng San
From Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Mu Tong (caulis mutong)…3-6g
Hua Shi (talcum)…12-30g
Che Qian Zi (semen plantaginis)…9-15g
Qu Mai (herba dianthi)…6-12g
Bian Xu (herba polygoni avicularis)…6-12g
Zhi Zi (fructus gardeniae jasminoidis)…3-9g
Zhi Da Huang (treated radix and rhizoma rhei)…6-9g
Deng Xin Cao (medulla junci effusi)…3-6g
Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…3-9g
Actions: clear Heat & Fire, promote urination to remove obstruction
Indications: Lin syndrome due to low Jiao Damp/Heat: Dark turbid difficult and painful urination, dry mouth and throat, yellow greasy tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse.
三仁汤San Ren Tang
From Wen Bing Tiao Bian
Xing Ren (semen pruni armeniacae)…15g
Bai Dou Kou ( fructus amomi kravanh)…6g
Yi Yi Ren (semen coicis lachryma-jobi)…18g
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…6g
Ban Xia (rhizoma pinelliae ternatae)…9g
Tong Cao (medulla tetrapanacia papyriferi)…6g
Dan Zhu Ye (herba lophatheri gracilis)…6g
Hua Shi (talcum)…18g
Actions: disperses and regulates Qi, clears Damp/Heat
Indications: headache, chills, afternoon fever, heavy sensation in the body, generalized pain, pale yellow complexion, chest distension, poor appetite, no thirst, white tongue coat, wiry thin soft pulse.
二妙散Er Miao San
Dan Xi Xin Fa
Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…15g
Cang Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis)…15g
Actions: clears Heat, dries Damp
Indications: scanty yellow urine with yellow greasy tongue coat.
甘露消毒丹 Gan Lu Xiao Du Dan
From Wen Re Jing Wei
Lian Qiao (fructus forsythiae suspensae)…120g (powder dosages)
Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…300g
Bo He (herba menthae haplocalycis)…120g
She Gan (rhizoma belamcandae chinensis)…120g
Chuan Bei Mu (bulbus fritillariae cirrhosae)…150g
Hua Shi (talcum)…450g
Mu Tong (caulis mutong)…150g
Yin Chen Hao (herba artemisiae yinchenhao)…330g
Huo Xiang (herba agastaches seu pogostemi)…120g
Shi Chang Pu (rhizoma acori graminei)…180g
Bai Dou Kou (fructus amomi kravanh)…120g
Take 9g 2 times a day.
Actions: clear turbid dampness, resolve heat tocxicity
Indications: fever, achy limbs, lethargy, swollen throat, chest distension, tiredness, abdominal distension, thirsty, dark scanty urine, white greasy or yellow dry tongue coat, soft rapid pulse, may also be vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice or unremitting fever.
3. 利水渗湿 Formulas promoting urination
五苓散 Wu Ling San
Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalis)…15g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…9g
Zhu Ling (sclerotium polypori umbellate)…9g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…9g
Gui Zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae)…6g
Actions: promote urination, drains Damp, strengthens Spleen, warms Yang, promotes Qi transformation
Indications: 1) headache, low degree fever, irritable, strong thirst but vomit immediately after drinking, urinary difficulty, floating pulse. 2) Edema, generalized sensation of heaviness, diarrhea, urinary difficulty, vomiting and diarrhea due to sudden turmoil. 3) Throbbing pulsations just below the umbilicus, vomiting frothy saliva, vertigo, shortness of breath, coughing. White tongue coating, moderate pulse.
猪苓汤 Zhu Ling Tang
Zhu Ling (sclerotium polypori umbellate)…9g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…9g
Hua Shi (talcum)…9g
Ze Xie (rhizoma alismatis orientalis)…9g
E Jiao (gelatinum corii asini)…9g
Actions: promotes urination, clears Heat, nourishes Yin
Indications: urinary difficulty accompanied by fever and thirst with desire to drink, fever, diarrhea, cough, nausea, irritable, insomnia. Red tongue, thin pulse.
五皮散 Wu Pi San
Sang Bai Pi (dry fried cortex mori albae radicis) 9g
Chen Pi (Pericarpium citri erythrocarpae) 9g
Sheng Jiang Pi (cortex zingiberis officinalis recens) 9g
Fu Ling Pi (cortex poriae cocos) 9g
Da Fu Pi (pericarpium arecae catechu) 9g
Actions: resolves Dampness in lower Jiao, nourishes Kidneys, regulates Qi, Strengthen Spleen
Indications: generalized edema (skin edema, Pi Shui) with heavy sensation, abdominal distension and fullness, labored and heavy breathing, urinary difficulty, white greasy tongue coat, deep moderate pulse.
防己黄芪汤 Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang
Jin gui yao lue
Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)15g -stabilizes wei Qi, tonify wei Qi
Han Fang Ji (radix stephaniae tetrandrae)12g-release exterior, unblocks channels, promotes urination, drains dampness, relieves pain
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)9g-tonify spleen, clears dampness, stabilizes exterior
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)6g-tonify spleen
Sheng Jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis recens)4 pieces-regulate and harmonize ying and wei Qi levels
Da Zao (fructus zizyphi jujubae)1 piece-regulates and harmonizes ying and wei Qi levels
Actions: tonify Qi, expel Wind, strengthen Spleen & remove water
Indications: sweating, heavy feeling body, superficial edema, urinary difficulty, pale tongue with white coat, floating pulse.
4. 温化水湿 formulas warming and transforms Phlegm-fluids
苓桂术甘汤 Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Shang han lun
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…12g
Gui Zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae)…9g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atracylodis macrocephalae)…6g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…6g
Actions: warms & transforms Phlegm-fluids, strengthen Spleen, clear Dampness
Indications: fullness in the chest and hypochondria, palpitations, shortness of breath, coughing up clear and watery sputum, dizziness, pale tongue and swollen with white slippery tongue coat, slippery and either wiry or soft pulse.
真武汤Zhen Wu Tang
Chief--- Fu Zi (Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata)
Deputy--- Fu Ling (Poria)
Deputy--- Sheng Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens)
Assistant--- Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macroceph)
Assistant--- Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba)
Actions: warm Yang and promote urination
Indications: spleen and kidney Yang deficiency manifested as urinary retention, heavy and pain feeling of limbs or edema, abdominal pain with loosing stool, or palpitation, dizziness, not thirsty. White tongue coating, deep pulse.
实脾饮 Shi Pi Yin
Fu Zi (radix lateralis aconiti carmichaeli praeparata)…6g
Gan Jiang (rhizoma zingiberis officinalis)…6g
Fu Ling (sclerotium poriae cocos)…6g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…6g
Mu Gua (fructus chaenomelis lagenariae)…6g
Hou Po (cortex magnoliae officinalis)…6g
Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…6g
Da Fu Pi (pericarpium arecae catechu)…6g
Cao Guo (fructus amomi tsao-ko)…6g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis)…3g
Actions: warms Yang, strengthens Spleen, moves Qi, promotes urination
Indications: generalized edema that is more severe below the waist, cold limbs, chest and abdominal fullness and distension, heavy body, no appetite, no thirst, scanty urine, loose stool, pale tongue body with thick greasy tongue coat, deep slow or deep thin pulse.
5. 祛湿化浊Formulas removing turbid Dampness
萆薢分清饮 Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin
Dan Xi Xin Fa
Bei Xie (rhizoma dioscoreae hypoglaucae)…12g
Yi Zhi Ren (fructus alpiniae oxyphyllae)…9g
Wu Yao (radix linderae strychnifoliae)…9g
Shi Chang Pu (rhizoma acori graminei)…9g
Actions: warms Kidney Yang, remove turbid Dampness
Indications: frequent, cloudy, milky, or greasy urine.
完带汤 Wan Dai Tang
Ren Shen ginseng root 6 g
Shan Yao dioscorea rhizome 30 g
Bai Zhu (white) atratylodes rhizome 30 g
Che Qian Zi plantago seeds 9 g
Cang Zhu atractylodes rhizome 9 g
Chen Pi aged tangerine peel 2 g
Jing Jie schizonepeta stem or bud 2 g
Chai Hu hare's ear root, thorowax root, bupleurum 2 g
Bai Shao white peony root 15 g
Gan Cao licorice root 3 g
Actions: tonify spleen, sooth liver, resolve dampness, and stop leukorrhagia
Indications: profused vaginal discharge that is white or pale yellow, not foul-smelling. Pale complexion, fatigue, loose stools, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a sluggish and frail pulse.
羌活胜湿汤 Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang
Nei wai shang bian huo lun
Qiang Huo (radix and rhizoma notopterygii)…3g
Du Huo (radix angelicae pubescentis)…3g
Gao Ben (rhizoma and radix ligustici)…1.5g
Fang Feng (radix ledebouriellae divaricatae)…1.5g
Chuan Xiong (radix ligustici chuanxiong)…1.5g
Man Jing Zi (fructus viticis)…0.9g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…1.5g
Actions: expel Wind & Dampness
Indications: heavy and painful head body, and back, difficulty in rotating or bending the trunk, mild fever, chills, white tongue coat, floating pulse.