Chapter 10 固涩剂 Formulasthat stabilize and bind
1. 固表止汗Formulas that stabilize the exterior and stop sweating
牡蛎散 Mu Li San
From Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Mu Li (concha ostreae)…30g
Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)…30g
Ma Huang Gen (radix ephedrae)…30g
Actions: Reserve Yin, stop sweating, tonify Qi and stabilize the exterior
Indications: spontaneous sweating and/or night sweating, palpitations, easily startled, shortness of breath, irritability, lethargy, pale, red tongue, thin frail pulse.
2. 敛肺止咳Formulas that Secure lung and stop coughing
九仙散Jiu Xian San (Nine-Immortal Powder)
Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng) 人参 1.5 g
E Jiao (Colla Corii Asini, Donkey-Hide Gelatin) 阿胶 1.5 g
Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae)五味子 1.5 g
Wu Mei (Fructus Mume) 6 g
Jie Geng (Balloon Flower Rhizome) 1.5 g
Kuan Dong Hua (Flos Farfarae) 1.5 g
Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori) 1.5 g
Chuan Bei Mu (Fritillaria Bulb) 1.5 g
Ying Su Ke (Pericarpium Papaveris) 6 g
Actions: Secures lung, stop coughing, tonify Qi and Yin
Indications: Chronic coughing and wheezing due to lung deficiency. Spontaneous sweating, weak and rapid pulse.
3. 涩肠固脱Formulas that bind up intestine and stop diarrhea
1. 真人养脏汤 Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang
Tai ping jui min he ji ju fang
Ren Shen (radix ginseng)…18g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…18g
Rou Gui (cortex cinnamomi cassiae)…24g
Wei Rou Dou Kou (dry fried semen myristicae fragrantis)…15g
He Zi (fructus terminaliae chebulae)…36g
Zhi Ying Su Ke (honey fried pericarpium papaveris somniferi)…108g
Bai Shao (radix paeoniae lactiflorae)…48g
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…18g
Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…42g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…24g
Take 6 g 2-3 times a day.
Actions: astringe intestines, stop diarrhea; warm mid Jiao, tonify deficiency,
Indications: chronic diarrhea sometimes to the point of incontinence, may have rectal prolapse, diarrhea may contain pus and/or blood, accompanied by persistent abdominal pain relieved by pressure and warmth, lethargy, pale complexion, poor appetite, low back soreness, weak legs, pale tongue with white coat, slow thin pulse.
2. 四神丸 Si Shen Wan
Zheng zhi zhun sheng
Bu Gu Zhi (fructus psoraleae corylifoliae)…12g
Wu Zhu Yu (fructus evodiae rutaecarpae)…3g
Rou Dou Kou (semen myristicae fragrantis)…6g
Wu Wei Zi (fructus schisandrae chinensis)…6g
Actions: warms & tonifies Spleen & Kidneys, binds intestines to stop diarrhea
Indications: morning diarrhea, lack of interest in food and inability to digest, low back soreness, cold limbs, fatirue, pale tongue with thin white coat. deep slow force-less pulse, may be abdominal pain.
4. 涩精止遗Formulas that Secures essence and stop enuresis
1. 金锁固精丸 Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
From Yi fang ji jie
Sha Yuan Ji Li/ Sha Yuan Zi (semen astragali complanati)…6g
Qian Shi (semen euryales ferocis)…6g
Lian Xu (stamen nelumbinis nuciferae)…6g
Duan Long Gu (crispy fried os draconis)…3g
Duan Mu Li (calcined concha ostreae)…3g
Lian Zi (semen nelumbinis nuciferae)…12g
Actions: Astringe & stabilize Kidney essence, stops spermatorrhea
Indications: chronic spermatorrhea, impotence, fatigue, weakness, sore and weak limbs, lower back pain, tinnitus, pale tongue with white coat, thin and weak pulse.
2. 桑螵蛸散 Sang Piao Xiao San
From Ben cao yan yi
Sang Piao Xiao (ootheca mantidis)…9g
Long Gu (os draconis)…15
Ren Shen (radix ginseng)…9g
Fu Shen (sclerotium poriae cocos pararadicis)…12g
Yuan Zhi (radix polygalae tenuifoliae)…6g
Shi Chang Pu (rhizoma acori graminei)…6g
Zhi Gui Ban (honey fried plastrum testudinis)…15g
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…9g
Actions: regulates & tonifies Heart and Kidney, stabilize Essence, stop leakage
Indications: frequent urination (sometimes to the point of incontinence), grey/white cloudy urine sometimes with spermatorrhea, disorientation, poor memory, pale tongue with white coat, thin and weak pulse.
3. 缩泉丸 Suo Quan Wan
Shut the Sluice Pill
Yi Zhi Ren (Fructus Alipinae Oxyphyllae) 12g. -warms kidney yan, aids kidney grasping function of Qi (urination functioning) , warm spleen
Wu Yao (Radix Linderae Strychnifoliae) 12g. -disperses cold in lower jiao, aids bladder transformation functioning
ShanYao (Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae) 15g. -tonify spleen and kidney, binds essence
Actions: Warms kidney, dispel cold, shut off urinary frequency and stop leakage
Indications: Frequent clear profuse urination, enuresis, pale tongue with white coat, deep and weak pulse.
5. 固崩止带Formulas that Secures uterus bleeding and stop vaginal discharge
1. 固冲汤 Gu Chong Tang
Chao Bai Zhu (Dry Fried Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephaelae) - 30g. -tonify Qi, strengthen spleen
Huang Qi (Radix Astragali Membranaceus) - 18g. -tonify Qi, strengthen spleen
Shan Zhu Yu (Fructus Corni Officinalis) - 24g. -nourish yin and blood by tonifing liver and kidneys
Bai ShaoYao (Radix Paeonia Lactiflorae) - 12g. -nourish yin and blood by tonifying liver and kidney
Long Gu (Calcined Os Draconis) - 24g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Duan Mu Li (Calcined Concha ostreae) - 24g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Hai Piao Xiao (Os Sepiae Seu Sepiellae) - 12g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Zong Lu Tan (Charred Fibra Stipulae Trachycarpi) - 6g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Wu Bei Zi (Galla Rhois Chinensis) - 1.5g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Qian Cao Gen (Radix Rubiae Cordifolia) -9g. -stops bleeding, invigorates blood circulation, prevents blood stasis
Actions: tonify spleen Qi, stabilize the Chong (penetrating) vessel, stop bleeding.
Indications: uterine bleeding, profuse menstrual bleeding, thin and pale blood, gushing blood or continuous menstrual bleeding which trickles out, lower back and knee soreness, palpitations, shortness of breath Tongue – pale, Pulse - thin and weak pulse.
2. 易黄汤 Yi Huang Tang
Chao ShanYao (Dry Fried Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae) 30g. -tonify spleen, stabilize lower jiao and essence
Chao Qian Shi (Dry Fried Semen Euryales Ferocis Euryale Seeds) 30g. -stabilize lower jiao, stops vaginal discharge, mildly tonify spleen Qi
Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri) 6g. -drains damp heat from lower jiao through urine
Che Qian Zi (Semen Plantaginis) 3g. - drains damp heat from lower jiao through urine
Bai Guo (Semen Ginkgo Bilobae) 10 Kernels -stabilize lower jiao, stops vaginal discharge
Actions: Strengthens the Spleen, Clears damp-heat, Stops vaginal discharge.
Indications: Long-term unremitting vaginal discharge which is yellowish, fishy smelling; Pale-yellow complexion, Dizziness add comment, Sensation of heaviness in the head, Reduced appetite, Occasional loose stools. Delayed menstruation with pale blood. Yellow grease tongue coating.
牡蛎散 Mu Li San
From Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Mu Li (concha ostreae)…30g
Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)…30g
Ma Huang Gen (radix ephedrae)…30g
Actions: Reserve Yin, stop sweating, tonify Qi and stabilize the exterior
Indications: spontaneous sweating and/or night sweating, palpitations, easily startled, shortness of breath, irritability, lethargy, pale, red tongue, thin frail pulse.
2. 敛肺止咳Formulas that Secure lung and stop coughing
九仙散Jiu Xian San (Nine-Immortal Powder)
Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng) 人参 1.5 g
E Jiao (Colla Corii Asini, Donkey-Hide Gelatin) 阿胶 1.5 g
Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae)五味子 1.5 g
Wu Mei (Fructus Mume) 6 g
Jie Geng (Balloon Flower Rhizome) 1.5 g
Kuan Dong Hua (Flos Farfarae) 1.5 g
Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori) 1.5 g
Chuan Bei Mu (Fritillaria Bulb) 1.5 g
Ying Su Ke (Pericarpium Papaveris) 6 g
Actions: Secures lung, stop coughing, tonify Qi and Yin
Indications: Chronic coughing and wheezing due to lung deficiency. Spontaneous sweating, weak and rapid pulse.
3. 涩肠固脱Formulas that bind up intestine and stop diarrhea
1. 真人养脏汤 Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tang
Tai ping jui min he ji ju fang
Ren Shen (radix ginseng)…18g
Bai Zhu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae)…18g
Rou Gui (cortex cinnamomi cassiae)…24g
Wei Rou Dou Kou (dry fried semen myristicae fragrantis)…15g
He Zi (fructus terminaliae chebulae)…36g
Zhi Ying Su Ke (honey fried pericarpium papaveris somniferi)…108g
Bai Shao (radix paeoniae lactiflorae)…48g
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…18g
Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…42g
Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…24g
Take 6 g 2-3 times a day.
Actions: astringe intestines, stop diarrhea; warm mid Jiao, tonify deficiency,
Indications: chronic diarrhea sometimes to the point of incontinence, may have rectal prolapse, diarrhea may contain pus and/or blood, accompanied by persistent abdominal pain relieved by pressure and warmth, lethargy, pale complexion, poor appetite, low back soreness, weak legs, pale tongue with white coat, slow thin pulse.
2. 四神丸 Si Shen Wan
Zheng zhi zhun sheng
Bu Gu Zhi (fructus psoraleae corylifoliae)…12g
Wu Zhu Yu (fructus evodiae rutaecarpae)…3g
Rou Dou Kou (semen myristicae fragrantis)…6g
Wu Wei Zi (fructus schisandrae chinensis)…6g
Actions: warms & tonifies Spleen & Kidneys, binds intestines to stop diarrhea
Indications: morning diarrhea, lack of interest in food and inability to digest, low back soreness, cold limbs, fatirue, pale tongue with thin white coat. deep slow force-less pulse, may be abdominal pain.
4. 涩精止遗Formulas that Secures essence and stop enuresis
1. 金锁固精丸 Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
From Yi fang ji jie
Sha Yuan Ji Li/ Sha Yuan Zi (semen astragali complanati)…6g
Qian Shi (semen euryales ferocis)…6g
Lian Xu (stamen nelumbinis nuciferae)…6g
Duan Long Gu (crispy fried os draconis)…3g
Duan Mu Li (calcined concha ostreae)…3g
Lian Zi (semen nelumbinis nuciferae)…12g
Actions: Astringe & stabilize Kidney essence, stops spermatorrhea
Indications: chronic spermatorrhea, impotence, fatigue, weakness, sore and weak limbs, lower back pain, tinnitus, pale tongue with white coat, thin and weak pulse.
2. 桑螵蛸散 Sang Piao Xiao San
From Ben cao yan yi
Sang Piao Xiao (ootheca mantidis)…9g
Long Gu (os draconis)…15
Ren Shen (radix ginseng)…9g
Fu Shen (sclerotium poriae cocos pararadicis)…12g
Yuan Zhi (radix polygalae tenuifoliae)…6g
Shi Chang Pu (rhizoma acori graminei)…6g
Zhi Gui Ban (honey fried plastrum testudinis)…15g
Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…9g
Actions: regulates & tonifies Heart and Kidney, stabilize Essence, stop leakage
Indications: frequent urination (sometimes to the point of incontinence), grey/white cloudy urine sometimes with spermatorrhea, disorientation, poor memory, pale tongue with white coat, thin and weak pulse.
3. 缩泉丸 Suo Quan Wan
Shut the Sluice Pill
Yi Zhi Ren (Fructus Alipinae Oxyphyllae) 12g. -warms kidney yan, aids kidney grasping function of Qi (urination functioning) , warm spleen
Wu Yao (Radix Linderae Strychnifoliae) 12g. -disperses cold in lower jiao, aids bladder transformation functioning
ShanYao (Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae) 15g. -tonify spleen and kidney, binds essence
Actions: Warms kidney, dispel cold, shut off urinary frequency and stop leakage
Indications: Frequent clear profuse urination, enuresis, pale tongue with white coat, deep and weak pulse.
5. 固崩止带Formulas that Secures uterus bleeding and stop vaginal discharge
1. 固冲汤 Gu Chong Tang
Chao Bai Zhu (Dry Fried Rhizoma Atractyloids Macrocephaelae) - 30g. -tonify Qi, strengthen spleen
Huang Qi (Radix Astragali Membranaceus) - 18g. -tonify Qi, strengthen spleen
Shan Zhu Yu (Fructus Corni Officinalis) - 24g. -nourish yin and blood by tonifing liver and kidneys
Bai ShaoYao (Radix Paeonia Lactiflorae) - 12g. -nourish yin and blood by tonifying liver and kidney
Long Gu (Calcined Os Draconis) - 24g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Duan Mu Li (Calcined Concha ostreae) - 24g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Hai Piao Xiao (Os Sepiae Seu Sepiellae) - 12g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Zong Lu Tan (Charred Fibra Stipulae Trachycarpi) - 6g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Wu Bei Zi (Galla Rhois Chinensis) - 1.5g. -stop bleeding due to deficiency
Qian Cao Gen (Radix Rubiae Cordifolia) -9g. -stops bleeding, invigorates blood circulation, prevents blood stasis
Actions: tonify spleen Qi, stabilize the Chong (penetrating) vessel, stop bleeding.
Indications: uterine bleeding, profuse menstrual bleeding, thin and pale blood, gushing blood or continuous menstrual bleeding which trickles out, lower back and knee soreness, palpitations, shortness of breath Tongue – pale, Pulse - thin and weak pulse.
2. 易黄汤 Yi Huang Tang
Chao ShanYao (Dry Fried Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae) 30g. -tonify spleen, stabilize lower jiao and essence
Chao Qian Shi (Dry Fried Semen Euryales Ferocis Euryale Seeds) 30g. -stabilize lower jiao, stops vaginal discharge, mildly tonify spleen Qi
Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri) 6g. -drains damp heat from lower jiao through urine
Che Qian Zi (Semen Plantaginis) 3g. - drains damp heat from lower jiao through urine
Bai Guo (Semen Ginkgo Bilobae) 10 Kernels -stabilize lower jiao, stops vaginal discharge
Actions: Strengthens the Spleen, Clears damp-heat, Stops vaginal discharge.
Indications: Long-term unremitting vaginal discharge which is yellowish, fishy smelling; Pale-yellow complexion, Dizziness add comment, Sensation of heaviness in the head, Reduced appetite, Occasional loose stools. Delayed menstruation with pale blood. Yellow grease tongue coating.