35. Emotional Disorder (Yu Syndrome)
1. broad concept of yu syndrome---all clinical stagnation manifestation of qi, blood, phlegm, fire, dampness and food
2. narrow concept of yu syndrome---a specific set of psychological or affective presantation
Relevant diseases of western medicine
1. Somatoform disorder身体症状性疾患--- Patients with multiple somatic complaints that cannot be explained by a known medical condition or by the effects of alcohol or of recreational or prescription drugs are seen commonly in primary care practice.
2. Hysteria歇斯底里, 癔病--- A neurosis characterized by the presentation of a physical ailment without an organic cause, sleepwalking, amnesia, episodes of hallucinations, and other mental and behavioral aberrations.
3. Hypochondria疑病症---The persistent neurotic conviction that one is or is likely to become ill, often involving experiences of real pain when illness is neither present nor likely.
4. Neurasthenia神经衰弱症--- A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
5. Depression 抑郁症 --- A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of extreme sadness, dejection, and hopelessness.
6. Anxiety焦虑症--- to be excited and also worried at the same time.
7. Neurosis神经官能症 --- Any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria疑病症or neurasthenia神经衰弱症, arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears.
8. Menopause绝经期, 更年期--- The period marked by the natural and permanent cessation of menstruation, occurring usually between the ages of 45 and 55.
Etiology & pathogenesis
1. Liver qi stagnation
2. Qi stagnation turing into fire
3. Obstruction of phlegm-qi complex
4. Heart deficiency and liver constraint
5. Heart and spleen deficiency
6. Heart and kidney disharmony
Differential diagnosis
1. Deferent emotional factors
2. Early and later stage of yu syndromes
Classification & treatment
Treatment principles---soothe liver and facilitate qi flow
1. Liver qi stagnation--- soothe liver and releases constraint qi
Chai hu shu gan san
Chai hu, zhi qiao, xiang fu---
Chen pi---
Chuan xiong---
2. Qistagnation turning into fire--- clear liver fire and releases constraint qi
Dan zhi xiao yao san
Chai hu, bo he, yu jin, xiang fu---
Dang hui, sao yao---
Bai zhu, fu ling---
Dan pi, zhi zi---
3. Obstruction of phlegm-qi complex (plum-pit syndrome)---resolve phlegm and move qi
Ban xia hou po tang
Ban xia---
Hou po---
Fu ling---
Zj su ye---
Sheng jiang---
4. Heart deficiency and liver constraint (restless organ disorder)--- nuorish heart and calm spirit
Gan mai da zao tang
Gan cao, da zao---
Xiao mai---
5. Heart and spleen deficiency--- tonify spleen qi, nourish blood and heart
Gui pi tang
Dang shen, huang qi, bai zhu---
Dang gui---
Suan zao ren, long yan rou---
Fu shen, yuan zhi---
Mu xiang---
6. Heart and kidney disharmony--- nourish yin and clear heat, sedate heart and clam spirit
Tian wang bu xin dan
Sheng di huang, xuan shen, mai men dong---
Dan shen, dang gui---
Ren shen, fu ling---
Suan zao ren, bai zi ren, yuan zi, wu wei zi---
Acupuncture treatment
1. Liver qi stagnation
LR 3 Tai chong, BL 18 Gan shu, CV 17 Tan zhong, CV12 Zhong wan, ST 36 Zu san li, SP 4 Gong sun
2. qistagnation turning into fire
CV 13 Shang wan, TE 6 Zhi gou, GB 34 Yang ling quan, LR 2 Xing jian, GB 43 Xia xi
3. obstruction of phlegm-qi complex (plum-pit syndrome)
CV 22 Tian tu, CV 17 Tan zhong, PC 6 nei guan, ST 40 Feng long, LR 3 Tai chong
4. heart deficiency and liver constraint (restless organ disorder)
CV 14 Ju wei, HT 7 Shen men, SP 6 San yin jiao, LR 3 Tai chong
5. heart and spleen deficiency
HT 7 Shen men, BL 15 Xin shu, GB 20 Feng chi, SP 6 San yin jiao, BL 20 Pi shu
6. heart and kidney disharmony
HT 7 Shen men, BL 15 Xin shu, GB 20 Feng chi, KI 3 Tai xi, BL 23 Shen shu
1. broad concept of yu syndrome---all clinical stagnation manifestation of qi, blood, phlegm, fire, dampness and food
2. narrow concept of yu syndrome---a specific set of psychological or affective presantation
Relevant diseases of western medicine
1. Somatoform disorder身体症状性疾患--- Patients with multiple somatic complaints that cannot be explained by a known medical condition or by the effects of alcohol or of recreational or prescription drugs are seen commonly in primary care practice.
2. Hysteria歇斯底里, 癔病--- A neurosis characterized by the presentation of a physical ailment without an organic cause, sleepwalking, amnesia, episodes of hallucinations, and other mental and behavioral aberrations.
3. Hypochondria疑病症---The persistent neurotic conviction that one is or is likely to become ill, often involving experiences of real pain when illness is neither present nor likely.
4. Neurasthenia神经衰弱症--- A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
5. Depression 抑郁症 --- A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of extreme sadness, dejection, and hopelessness.
6. Anxiety焦虑症--- to be excited and also worried at the same time.
7. Neurosis神经官能症 --- Any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria疑病症or neurasthenia神经衰弱症, arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears.
8. Menopause绝经期, 更年期--- The period marked by the natural and permanent cessation of menstruation, occurring usually between the ages of 45 and 55.
Etiology & pathogenesis
1. Liver qi stagnation
2. Qi stagnation turing into fire
3. Obstruction of phlegm-qi complex
4. Heart deficiency and liver constraint
5. Heart and spleen deficiency
6. Heart and kidney disharmony
Differential diagnosis
1. Deferent emotional factors
2. Early and later stage of yu syndromes
Classification & treatment
Treatment principles---soothe liver and facilitate qi flow
1. Liver qi stagnation--- soothe liver and releases constraint qi
Chai hu shu gan san
Chai hu, zhi qiao, xiang fu---
Chen pi---
Chuan xiong---
2. Qistagnation turning into fire--- clear liver fire and releases constraint qi
Dan zhi xiao yao san
Chai hu, bo he, yu jin, xiang fu---
Dang hui, sao yao---
Bai zhu, fu ling---
Dan pi, zhi zi---
3. Obstruction of phlegm-qi complex (plum-pit syndrome)---resolve phlegm and move qi
Ban xia hou po tang
Ban xia---
Hou po---
Fu ling---
Zj su ye---
Sheng jiang---
4. Heart deficiency and liver constraint (restless organ disorder)--- nuorish heart and calm spirit
Gan mai da zao tang
Gan cao, da zao---
Xiao mai---
5. Heart and spleen deficiency--- tonify spleen qi, nourish blood and heart
Gui pi tang
Dang shen, huang qi, bai zhu---
Dang gui---
Suan zao ren, long yan rou---
Fu shen, yuan zhi---
Mu xiang---
6. Heart and kidney disharmony--- nourish yin and clear heat, sedate heart and clam spirit
Tian wang bu xin dan
Sheng di huang, xuan shen, mai men dong---
Dan shen, dang gui---
Ren shen, fu ling---
Suan zao ren, bai zi ren, yuan zi, wu wei zi---
Acupuncture treatment
1. Liver qi stagnation
LR 3 Tai chong, BL 18 Gan shu, CV 17 Tan zhong, CV12 Zhong wan, ST 36 Zu san li, SP 4 Gong sun
2. qistagnation turning into fire
CV 13 Shang wan, TE 6 Zhi gou, GB 34 Yang ling quan, LR 2 Xing jian, GB 43 Xia xi
3. obstruction of phlegm-qi complex (plum-pit syndrome)
CV 22 Tian tu, CV 17 Tan zhong, PC 6 nei guan, ST 40 Feng long, LR 3 Tai chong
4. heart deficiency and liver constraint (restless organ disorder)
CV 14 Ju wei, HT 7 Shen men, SP 6 San yin jiao, LR 3 Tai chong
5. heart and spleen deficiency
HT 7 Shen men, BL 15 Xin shu, GB 20 Feng chi, SP 6 San yin jiao, BL 20 Pi shu
6. heart and kidney disharmony
HT 7 Shen men, BL 15 Xin shu, GB 20 Feng chi, KI 3 Tai xi, BL 23 Shen shu